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Wednesday, January 4, 2012



It has been a pretty good day. I must say I kinda had a "Fat and ugly" day but I focused on other things (like how darn tired I was) and it all seemed irrelevant. I have two theories on the matter. One is that it is time for a change (OBVIOUSLY) and therefore my heart and mind are starting to disown my body as it were... the second is that I KNOW consciously that I am making the right choices now... so the left over parts of me that I want changed are seemingly more obvious. Something along those lines probably-OR i just had a fat and ugly day-IT HAPPENS!

Based on the last few nights and my inability to get right to sleep I have determined that I need to do some more work on being PRIMAL. I think I need to cut blue-light sources around the same time every night if I want to be healthier, happier, and more rested. (I have been tossing and turning for at least an hr and a half every night before going to sleep) ONE of the difficulties in this is that I have a late schedule but sometimes an early morning to follow (This is my fault entirely I claim responsibility BUT I love my job AND I love money... What can I say?). Therefore when I don't get home until 10 pm I find myself wanting to get online and get stuff done or chat with people... or a certain person... for longer than I probably should. THEN it's like "OH IT'S LATE TIME FOR BED!" and I can't sleep for shit.

Solution: Get off the damn computer lady and get some relax time before shutting your eyes DUH!

I will work on that :D

Now for the food of the day.

Ben and I had the chicken bacon HEAVEN dish for lunch today (SRSLY this will be a staple in our family for years I AM CERTAIN... what kind of kid wouldn't eat their broccoli and spinach if it came like that!? none that's who!)

For supper I got home from work to a man in a kitchen :D He made burgers from the turkey meat we got at Pom Market yesterday. It was good-I really struggle with dry burgers cuz I like a lot of sauces... BBQ, MAYO, Mustard, Tomato sauce... etc I really dont like plain meat very well (odd i know)

SO I did add a bit of dijon mustard (SMALL AMOUNT I might have had 2 g of sugar in all) which helped a lot-until i realized the mustard expired in april of 2011... god help me!

Here are photos!

 Prior to Piling... The burgers and the fixins. Bacon and caramelized onions... the bacon was a bit ODD for my taste-we might go back to the ones we used to get at the deli... is that bad?
 Ben's night to pic the veggie-SURPRISE it's carrots! LOL That man and his carrots... I think it is a toss-up between cooked carrots and mushrooms...
The Feast! I am working on my FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY... so many of my friends (Mimi, Trish, D, Shannon, Batty, Teri, DR, Noah etc etc etc) are like ALL STARS at food pornography... mine-not so good. Workin' on it folks. Keep hangin in there! 

So that was the day-I guess. OH I had a handful of mixed nuts for a snack-GOD THEY'RE GOOD! I never thought there could be a difference in taste/quality of nuts... BUT OH GOD IS THERE!

I hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday and enjoy a beautiful and inspirational Thursday.

With Gratitude!

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