This is the first of hopefully several posts about the CPMFitness All In Challenge. It is an understatement to say that CPM is "More than a Gym" it is a home, it is a family, it is a place to be held accountable... The beat goes on.
This is our SECOND challenge with CPM... Our previous results were incredible... Ben took Third, I took Second... We were both very proud and on top of the world. It is hard to believe it was 5 months ago already, nearly. We have had our own personal trials and tribulations since then, but really that is unimportant at this time, we are focusing on the future...
This challenge is slightly different. The parameters of the previous Challenge was essentially a Primal challenge, in that we were encouraged to do as much as we could Paleo wise, but 80/20 was acceptable. Really people could eat what they chose but had the requirement to document it. This time it will be an ALL IN challenge... documentation is required (although more detailed) but the real difference is that this will be the Whole 30 only.(I will get into more about the differences between the two more in the blog) So here we are... Titled by Mr. CPM himself, Chris Mello, "The All in Challenge Earlybird Special"
To do the ALL IN CHALLENGE we must approach it as something different instead of a conversion from SAD (Standard American Diet) to "Paleo". It is a way to show WE CAN do the healthiest thing for our bodies, even when it is difficult. Without having to do a detox (ie. the lemon juice, maple, cayenne detox) or take meds/pills, we will be detoxifying through healthy eating, lifestyle and decision making.
This is different from the previous challenge for so many reasons. The first is the last challenge a participant could choose to eat whatever they wanted as long as it was documented. This time is much different because a participant can choose to eat whatever they want, but that would also mean forfeiting their participation in the challenge.
Another difference is the duration. Previous challenges were 45 days long. This one is different, because it is only 30 days long. The idea of 30 days seems so simply doable. Anyone can do anything for 30 days, even if it is more strict.
For me, personally, this challenge is different because last time I was determined to just FINISH. Not only did I finish the challenge but, as I mentioned above, I WON! This time I know I can do it, I have already done it. I am pushing myself harder but it's because I need/want to be back to where I was.
Finally, I am approaching my health in a new way this time. Differently than I have ever experienced, and something you have never witnessed. I've often struggled with where to get my self-worth, and how to value myself. I have felt ashamed when I see results and start to feel confident in my own skin... Sometimes I got my self-value from partners, sometimes family or friends, other times it was strangers. I have had a huge change in my personal life. Since the previous challenge (namely in December) I learned that god loves me. Not only that but it doesn't matter what else is going on in my life, my value can come only from God. Also, with that, is god's unending love for me.
Now this may come as a surprise to some, but I don't mind, anymore. I was once afraid of what people would think, when I realized this is what I believed and how I wanted to live my life... Now I know it really doesn't matter. I love you all regardless of your beliefs, and I assume you feel the same way about me. Thank you for that. I also realized that sometimes other people's opinions (or the way I perceive them) can be more of a hindrance on my growth than anything. It is better for me to just let go of my fears and let them be handled by someone far mightier than I.
I was having some hesitations about this challenge, mainly that I would work really hard and regardless of my results I would not be "allowed" to win again. This is not the case... I know that if I earn a spot on the leader board again, it will be because I worked hard and made significant progress. that is really what I want to see, and show. Regardless, though, of if I win or not, I will be a winner. Going all in on something like the Whole 30 is life changing. I haven't given Paleo my all since I discovered it in 2010... I say it is about time to re-experience the love I have always had for it.
I am reading 3 books presently to help me along the way. The first is by a dear friend of mine, Stefani Ruper called "Sexy by Nature" (you really should get yourself a copy). The second is of course "It Starts with Food" by the Whole 9's Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. And the third is the "Made to Crave Devotional" by Lysa Terkeurst which has been really game changing for me. I feel that with the knowledge packed in these three books, the determination I have to succeed, and the care, love and support of my gym family at CPMFitness. This challenge will be a great experience, and a great kick start to propel me even closer to the future I deserve. Full of health, happiness, confidence, and grace.
I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity to explore what I CAN do and how I can continue to grow in my relationships with myself, food and God.
Thanks for your love and support, I treasure all of you deeply.
:) awesome!